Backfill sand shall be a clean, screened, medium-grade sand that is naturally-occurring. The backfill sand used in T&J Panel Systems is crucial to the long-term success of the septic system. Please contact our offices if you have any backfill sand related questions. Click here for a county by county list of potential sources of backfill sand. Be sure to check with these sources to ensure they supply the correct type of sand.
Backfill sand shall be a clean, screened, medium-grade sand that is naturally-occurring. Acceptable sands are sands that are suitable for the production of ready-mix concrete and clean of organic debris and stone. Sands dredged from rivers and creeks can be used, if gradation is sufficient to be blended into ready-mix concrete production. Product description includes, but is not limited to: Natural Concrete Sand, NC-2S Sand, ASTM C-33 Sand, FA-10 Sand and Grade “A” Sand. Product suitability is important and T & J Panel, Inc. will help answer any questions. here.
***Sand sources were verified at time of inspection. Due diligence should be followed to assure sand used during installation is a clean coarse naturally occurring sand that closely matches a C-33 or 2-S gradation.